Investment advisory
Investment. One of the main reasons why clients come to us. They want to appreciate their assets. They want to meet their goals. We see investment advisory as a key area in wealth management, but we always point out that it's not really the only area. We advocate a wealth protection strategy with our clients. So we don't invest speculatively, we don't target above-average returns. We look at assets with a decades-long view and are therefore primarily concerned with long-term and predictable growth that is able to withstand a variety of less beneficial scenarios. We take care to consistently diversify our assets as a whole and to design solutions generating probability that we will actually reach our goals.
On the other hand, we do not see all clients as one group. Each client has a different risk profile, financial background, experience and interests - all of which we try to reflect in our investment approach. Someone is a fan of cryptocurrencies, so we can accept lower % units if certain conditions are met. Someone doesn't want to own physical assets, so we won't push them into acquiring real estate, and so on.
Because we are paid directly, we are not influenced by specific options and platforms.
All in all, investment advisory is a highly individual matter, at the same time a core area, and that's why we devote a lot of time to it, not only initially but especially during the course of our cooperation.